Albino Stargazer Magic Mushrooms
The Albino Stagrazer strain of Psilocybe cubensis is one of the oldest strains in circulation, although it has become very rare over time. You can find this strain mentioned as one of the original strains ever available in the 1970’s book, “The Mushroom Cultivator,” by Paul Stamets. Inca Star Gazer was originally found in South America growing in dense clusters, in the hills of the Andes mountains, close to ancient Inca ruins.
Inca Stargazer is noted to be a very prolific fruiter, giving massive flushes, with ease, and also very potent, with small to medium fruits.
AlbinoStargazer shrooms can likely be quite potent; it doesn’t take a considerable amount of this strain of psilocybin to produce a strong and meaningful trip. As such, “start low, go slow” are common words of advice from experienced psilonauts. Just like other shrooms from the Psilocybe cubensis family, the Albino Stargazers are able to induce feelings of euphoria, synesthesia, interconnectedness, ego death, time transcendence, as well as altered perception of senses after being taken in large doses. When a smaller amount is consumed, you can experience a slight boost in mood as well as visual tracers.
Recommended Use
Stay at home in a safe secure space with a Sober and trusted friend or family member
The usual dose between 0-5-1.5g and the moderate amount of 2.0-3.5g is the launchpad you need to enter into a 3-6 hours trip.